Coffee Chat
with Benny
casual, come-and-go chatS
Join Benny White for a casual, come-and-go chat over coffee! Coffee Chat with Benny is your opportunity to connect, ask questions, and share what’s on your mind about Naperville. Whether you want to discuss local issues, share your ideas, or just say hello, Benny is here to listen.
No speeches, no formal agenda—just great conversation and a chance to get to know Benny and his principles-over-politics approach to leadership. Plus, you can pick up campaign postcards or a yard sign to show your support! Stop by, grab a cup, and let’s talk about the future of Naperville together!
Upcoming Coffee Chats:
Benny has scheduled the following dates/times and locations for Coffee Chat. This schedule is regularly updates with new dates/times and locations.
March 2 - Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea (110 S. Washington St., #112), 1p-2p


Good Governance
Making informed decisions, maintaining fiscal responsibility, and delivering results for residents.

Public Safety
Ensuring that our police and fire departments have the resources they need to keep us safe.

Economic Growth
Supporting local businesses and attracting new opportunities to strengthen our economy.